Orders are usually placed on the same day as delivery. It's however possible to place orders with a future delivery date.
Orders for delivery on the same day can be placed untill 10:00. This order limit is a necessity to be able to service all of your customer every day between 10:15 and 12:30.
Placing orders is preferably done via our website. This website is optimized for quickly placing daily orders. Our site works in all modern browsers on desktop computers but is also fully compatible with mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. You can therefore place your orders from anywhere.
For takeaway, an account is not required. For delivery however an account is required. Creating an account is very easy and you can use our accounts in different ways.
You use your account for placing personal orders. You can choose out of several payment options during checkout.
When multiple employees of a company are placing orders, we will group the orders for this account. For you as a customer nothing changes, you keep ordering and paying individually. These orders will however be grouped together and delivered as one order, including an overview of who orderede what which payment method was used. All items will be clearly labeled with the name of the requester and it's contents. This method allows people within the same company to place their own personal orders and use their own payment method.
You can also use an account to place orders for multiple people at once. Some companies choose to have one person place the order. To make things easier, it's possible to add a name to an item while making the order. This name will be on the label of the item. Disadvantage is that no individual payments are possible.
Hint: we also have a quick order page for experienced customer, enabling fast searches through our menu.